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Do I Have Bed Bugs? – Sniffing Out Scams

Do I Have Bed Bugs

The answer to if you have bed bugs can be complicated

Contractors taking advantage of homeowners is certainly not anything new. Of course, since people are able to search the internet for relevant information, it seems like scammers must go to more extremes to get hard earned money from unsuspecting customers. There are some firms out there answering the “do I have bed bugs” question by using trigger dogs. The pest control industry is no different and with the surge of bed bugs over the last 10 years we have seen a lot of misinformation and quick money schemes to say the least.

The one that has come up repeatedly is the use of bed bug sniffing dogs. The introduction of these dogs came from the best intentions. We saw termite sniffing dogs decades ago, before bed bugs were even introduced to our lives. Of course, these trained pest control experts were born from the difficulty inspecting and identifying the first stages of development. Even adult bed bugs are inherently difficult to find during daylight hours. That because they are experts in hitchhiking, hiding and often only come out for a blood meal in the evening. Pair those traits with a complete insect life cycle, nymphs, and eggs so small they are almost invisible to the naked eye, and it can make it nearly impossible to know if a hired professional has actually eliminated the issue.

The Scam

So from the ashes came the smoke and mirrors of bed bug sniffing dogs. These canine professionals were getting booked out at rates of your local physician. The greed was the last ingredient. Triggering a bed bug sniffing dog was a way to make money. It meant the customer needed service, and also gave the client value for their inspection fee (along with a hearty boost to the technician’s ego). The “good guy” who found the invisible issue not only became the hero with the cute dog but was able to take in thousands of dollars from customers. All with a small signal, a pull of the leash or snap of the finger that a human could barely hear. Once that dog sat down, they could almost hear the cha-ching.

At EnviroPest, we have never used bed bug sniffing dogs. In fact, we have had canine Weimaraner’s (some of the nest tracking and noses for these inspections) in our family for years and thought about it over and over but never moved forward with it. Why? Because our staff and our clients always seemed to resort to common sense. That is, if you’re getting bitten at night (see what bites look like) while you’re in bed, 95% of the time you’re dealing with bed bugs.

We can say this with more certainty because there are only a few insects that will bite you at night. Dust mites, bird mites, and maybe fleas. The others are so rare that I can tell you there’s maybe 1 in 5000 chance it is something else. Pair that up with the concept that anything that is biting you at night is going to be eliminated with a bed bug treatment and it’s a no brainer.

We’re Okay With Investigating Bed Bug Problems The Old Fashion Way

One bad apple spoils the bunch. It’s not hard to see why we have always done the hard work. Always inspected and informed the client of exactly what we find. Do we lose clients to the smoke and magic that other firms sell … yes. But that’s a cost we are willing to absorb because nothing worth its salt comes from a snap of your finger.

If you discover ants, bees, mice or other pests in your home, contact EnviroPest Exterminator NY for immediate relief.  Our certified team is educated in the most advanced bed bug protocols and equipped with the state-of-the-art resources necessary for complete eradication of these pests. You can also sign up online or call us (855) Get-Enviro. We’re the exterminators NY trusts and we look forward to discussing your issue.

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