We Are Roof Rat Exterminators
EnviroPest has been protecting local homes and families for over 30 years. Our exterminators provide a variety of treatments, including our all-natural Roof Rat pest control that will effectively deal with your issue without requiring you to leave the comforts of your home. As a company committed to the organic and proper application of pesticides, our residential pest control solutions have been the right fit for over 100,000 families.
Like black or ship rats, rooftop rodents get their name from their ability to climb to rooftops and higher parts or structures. Initially thought to be from Southeast Asia, Roof Rats have spread the world over. They are especially partial to the waterfront and tropical locales but can be found throughout the United States. Roof Rats infrequently live longer than one year; however, females may bring forth upwards of 40 young at a time. Such fast multiplication means populations get out of control very rapidly. They are often confused with Norway Rats. Professional Roof Rat Exterminators will take the time to determine if you have an infestation by inspecting all the key areas.
It is important to be aware that Roof Rats carry diseases including (see below for more on the disease)
- Bubonic Plague: Very Uncommon nowadays, the higher the population, the higher the rate of Plague among rat populations.
- Leptospirosis: This is spread through urine from rats. Rats will use urine to mark “safe” passage throughout their territories.
- Salmonellosis: This is caused by bacteria spread from rats feeding on food sources.
Our Industry-Leading Roof Rat Extermination Method
We Start with a Thorough Investigation
We often get the question of whether it’s a rat or a mouse. Roof Rats are about double the size of house mice. Excluding their tails, rooftop rodents are 6-8″ long contrasted with house mice that can just develop to associate with 3″ long. Mice bodies are additionally rounder and smaller.
Roof Rats and house mice both have long tails. The main distinction is in what their tails comprise of. Rooftop rodents’ tails are scaly and smooth while house mice tails are scaly with fur. Both rooftop rodents and house mice leave their waste all through homes. The size of these droppings can assist you with recognizing which rat danger you are facing. Rodent droppings are 1/2″ to 3/4″ in size contrasted with mouse droppings about 25% the size, so easy to distinguish.
Roof Rats spend their entire life above ground. This means you must look up to find evidence of their presence inside a structure. The following areas are likely to “welcome” roof rat activity:
- Exposed beams and pipes
- Hidden pipe chases and utility lines
- Wall voids and drop ceilings
- Concrete cinder blocks
- On top of shelving units
- Overhead electrical junction boxes
- Raised and false floors
Roof Rat Exterminators Professional Assessment
It takes a professional rat exterminator to assess a property for rat infestations. A professional will look at the entire structure(s) and the surroundings while designing a complete elimination plan. A few things a professional rat exterminator will look for when inspecting and developing an elimination plan:
- They love partially eaten organic products or nuts, particularly pecans and fruits.
- Broken snail shells around shrubs
- Bite imprints or teeth marks on plastic or wood
- Oily rub blemishes on wooden or painted surfaces
- Presence of rodent droppings: marginally bent, dull in shading, and around 1/2 inch long
- You will hear sounds (biting and running) from the storage room, subfloor zones, and divider spaces.
How We Work With Clients To Exclude Roof Rats
- Stop rodents from entering doorways to your home.
- Ensure garage doors and outside entries and sealed in the bottom.
- Close openings or holes between rooftop tiles and around pipe passageways with metal, cement, or equipment material.
- Clean tree limbs up from home.
- Ensure all screens are made of 1/4 inch galvanized material.
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Who To Hire
What to Look for When Hiring a Roof Rat Exterminator
- The pest management company should be licensed by the state and insured.
- Technicians should be certified pest management professionals and fully licensed in the state.
- The company should be a member of a professional organization, such as the National Pest Management Association.
- The company should have a staff entomologist or access to one.
- Technicians should have experience as a Roof Rat exterminator.
- Choose a company based on its quality of service, not the price—research user reviews and testimonials to solidify your choice.
- A pre-inspection should be conducted to assess the scope of the work.
- The proposed work should follow the steps of integrated pest management, not just pesticide application.
The EnviroPest Complete Service Guarantee
If at any time between services or your guarantee period, you as a customer of EnviroPest are not satisfied for any reason. We will readdress the area in question at no additional charge. We have serviced over 300,000 homes and businesses over 30 years, and our clients rely on us to stand behind the work we perform.
Our continuous inspection and treatment mean a 100% guarantee as long as you have us on the property.
Our service personnel has been trained and certified with over six (6) years of experience in the pest control field as specialists. We do not advocate or provide seasonal labor or “college kids” to provide applications in or around your family or home. Another reason we are the natural choice in pest control.
Are Roof Rats Dangerous?
Roof Rats can be very difficult to eliminate. The disease they have spread throughout history has made many people aware of the dangers they impose.
Besides being carriers of disease, these pests can cause fires and damage from chewing and gnawing on electrical components. This is especially true with Knob and Tube electrical usually found in older homes. They can cause auxiliary harm by sabotaging the establishments of structures, streets, and walkways. Rats have been known to chew through lead pipes, doorframes, upholstery, and electrical wires.
Are Roof Rats Nocturnal?
These hiding rodents are most active at night. It’s this time when you will hear the activity and see the results of foraging. These sneaky guys are capable of squeezing into holes smaller than half an inch. They also love to nest in trees, attics, rooflines, and ceilings. They also prefer living more than four feet off the ground where they build leafy nests for their young.
Where Do Roof Rats Live During The Day?
As we referenced, Roof Rats are nighttime animals and like to hideaway. Their access point to enter is usually the upper parts of structures, similar to lofts and rafters. They may likewise settle inside thick vegetation or heaps of wood. Rooftop rodents both scrounge for food and home in colonies, regularly looking for a protected, safe house from hunters or the components. A little drywall or aluminum won’t prevent them from entering the structure. When they can chew a quarter-sized gap in these siding materials, rooftop rodents will press their way into garages, storage rooms, sheds, and so on to locate a pleasant, warm nesting area. Once they are in, they stay!
Do Roof Rats Transmit Disease?
Unless they feel threatened, Roof Rats do not generally seek out humans to attack. However, they are very unsanitary creatures to carry various diseases such as rat-bite fever, salmonella, or even bubonic plague. Because they’re so filthy, the rats can easily contaminate food or food preparation surfaces merely passing by. Roof Rats may also gnaw their way into stored products searching for food, contaminating it along the way. These roof-dwelling rodents also often carry fleas that are disease vectors in their own right, spreading diseases like typhus.
How Roof Rats Get Into Homes?
When it comes to getting into your home, rats are the best. If your home has openings greater than the size of a dime, a rat has a path in. Regardless of whether they can’t locate an opening large enough, they can use their sharp teeth to bite their way inside. Everything they need to thrive is in your home. Regularly this explanation comes as warm air coming out from a hole or split between a virus winter day or the smell of food spilling out from your kitchen.
To exacerbate the situation, Roof Rats and mice are incredible climbers. If your home doesn’t give them simple access, they can discover higher ground. They are regularly utilizing tree limbs. When high up, they can check your soffits, roofline, and fireplace for openings into your home.
Can I Put Bait Around My Property To Get Rid Of Rats?
Placing baits randomly throughout a property will usually be ineffective for a few reasons. One reason is that rats can be very particular about the food they eat. Also, they will hoard food. This hoarding trait means they look to find a safe and secure food source and transport it to a safe area around their nesting sites to feed. This safe nourishment source will be their only food source until it has run out, and they need to find another source. Another reason is that rats can be extremely neophobic. Being fearful of new additions in the environment means the rat will avoid the bait until the rats can deem it “safe” by their community. These factors can make a homeowner’s attempt at baiting fruitless.
You can also use the onsite chat feature, Free Pest Inspection form on this page, or our online contact form to get in touch with us. Whatever your pest control need, we are happy to help you eliminate it.
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EnviroPest came out the day after I called and sealed the openings in my attic within an hour! They will be back to check on things as the seasons change. What wonderful customer service - and at a very reasonable price!