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Rochester Exterminator | #1 GUARANTEED

Mike Avent, a Rochester exterminator

A Rochester Exterminator That Cares About People

Rochester NY – As the longest and largest Rochester exterminator company for 30 years, we sometimes like to single out our great performers. Rochester has been home for so many of our staff for so many years. Above all, a sense of teamwork is something that we promote.

As a manager it seems like the squeaky wheel gets all the attention. Therefore, once is a while it pays to single out a technician or employee who goes above and beyond for a client. Today is one of those whiles.

Day after day Mike spends his time focusing on how to make clients feel more comfortable. When he started over 5 years ago, he had no idea he was suited for in-home service. It was clear, however, to everyone around him. His caring demeanor and his soft approach are contradictions to his large build and towering height. But what he has done for one customer he would do for all. He is constantly getting praise from his customers a 5 star reviews. He truly is the kind of guy that would give you the shirt off his back.

People Person First But Then Rochester Exterminating

“Mike Avent is always polite, courteous, and respectful. At the beginning of the year he sets up regular monthly or quarterly appointments. Meanwhile, he usually responds quickly to our requests for specific services and needs.”

Stephen T. – Customer

Talking with his clients and spending the time to do the job right, Mike is always willing to return and handle any situation. Mike has been handling jobs as small as a quick bees’ nest to large hotels in the Rochester area. Just check out this article about Mike in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, “Pest Control Worker Says Hid Job Is Never Boring.” It shows his enthusiasm for the job. As a Rochester Exterminator, it’s easy to get into the day to day monotony and faces can blend. Not remembering people’s names and not caring become obvious over time, almost like a 6th sense.

“The exterminators that are successful in this business are the ones who are people driven. The knowledge and the expertise come from wanting to provide them with a great and effective service. If you don’t care about people you won’t put your energy into the expertise needed to be productive.” – Mike A. , EnviroPest Rochester Exterminator

A Bee Exterminators Rochester NY Loves!

One thing that separates Mike from the crowd is his energy towards bees and yellow jackets. Whether its in apartment complexes or single-family homes, he has made the Mike Avent, a Rochester exterminatorelimination or these pests seem simple. It’s not an easy process when you’re dealing with a bee emergency and he is very acutely aware that his customers prep and energy deserve half the credit. We have almost taken for granted his ability to go to a home and provide a Rochester NY service and never get a call back.

“Michael has been an excellent technician. I have used EnviroPest for many years and we even had bees. I am happy with Michael. He got rid of them quickly and I don’t know what I would have done without him.”

Noreen I – 2 weeks ago – EnviroPest Exterminator Rochester Customer

As the go to bee exterminators Rochester NY, we are grateful to the people and the community for all we have achieved. Since 1991, we have worked and honed our skills. Above all, have been lucky enough to get employees that care. We have always said that Rochester is a special city because of its people. They expect to get back from their service companies the same that they give, community and caring. Expect nothing less from your Rochester exterminator and from Mike you will get nothing less.


EnviroPest is a Rochester NY Exterminators that has served the local community for over 30 years. We have handled over 300,000 problems for customers over the years but still remain dedicated to our local community. Our staff and personal touch have made us the largest locally owned company in Rochester NY and we are grateful every day to be a part of this wonderful community and its pocket towns.
Rochester Exterminating Specialists
EnviroPest 5 star rating

ABOUT ME: Being in the exterminator industry for over 20 years, sometimes it feels like we have seen it all. I feel a passion in sharing our pest feedback, tips and making your lives healthier. Feel free to give me a call directly at our office and let me know if I can help you. Choose the Exterminators your neighbors in Rochester trust.

Rochester NY Exterminator | Call Today! (585) 467-8170

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EnviroPest | Rochester NY Exterminator 

Rochester Office *Available 24 Hours 7 Days A Week


Rochester Lyme Disease Is Increasing | Get Tick Exterminating

If you discover ants, bees, mice or other pests in your home, contact EnviroPest for immediate relief. Our certified team is educated in the most advanced bee and wasp protocols. For example, we are equipped with the state-of-the-art resources necessary for complete eradication of these pests. Meanwhile, you can also sign up online or call. We’re the exterminators NY trusts and we look forward to discussing your issue.

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