Pest Library
Take a look at all the pests that we provide services to get rid of here in upstate New York. You’ll also find health & financial risks of untreated pest problems, and how to prevent common pests from invading your home in Rochester, Buffalo and other Eastern, Central and Western New York areas.
Search for the pest that is bothering you
We also offer pest control and extermination services for the following pests:
- Moths
- Spider Mites
- Pharoah Ants
- Odorous House Ants
- Moles
- House Flies
- Oriental Cockroach
- Pavement Ants
- Hornets
Bed BugsCarpenter AntsBeesTicksMosquitoesMiceAcrobat AntsAmerican CockroachAntsArgentine AntsBat BugsBird MitesBoxelder BugsCarpenter BeesCarpet BeetlesCentipedesCicada KillersCitronella AntsClothes MothsClover MitesCluster FliesCockroachesEarwigsFleasFruit FliesHouse FliesIndian Meal MothsLadybugsLarder BeetlesMillipedesPillbugsPowderpost BeetlesPsocidsRatsRoof RatsSilverfishSpidersSpring TailsStink BugsWasps