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Exterminator Geneva NY | Since 1991

Geneva NY Exterminators

We’re the exterminators Geneva trusts

For over 30 years we have been the exterminator Geneva trusts in their homes and businesses for all their pest needs. Proud to service the community, our family has been a part of this area for generations. We have served the local residents, their children and homes since 1991 with all the pest control needs. Geneva has such an important role in the Finger Lakes region and we take pride in our ties with the community as the biggest exterminator in the area.

EnviroPest & Community | Exterminator Geneva NY

Our pest programs are design to handle all the pests listed below:

Ants, Boxelder Bugs, Yellow Jackets, Bees, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Mosquitoes, Ticks, Carpenter Ants, Carpet Beetles, Moth, Centipedes, Millipedes, Ladybugs, Cluster Flies, Cockroaches, Ear Wigs, General Ants, Pavement Ants, Indian Meal Moths, Mice, Rats, Rodents, Spiders, Wasps, Powder Post Beetles and more.


Geneva exterminators are not all the same. We handle bees, wasps, yellow jackets and more. They are all included in our Exterior Solutions Package and we include both regularly scheduled service maintenance and any other service you may need. No additional costs and no concerns with your family health and safety. Our treatment program for bees is targeted to be effective and professional. We have provided more services to more homes and businesses in Geneva NY than any other Geneva NY exterminators. Our staff provide same day extermination for Geneva NY and emergency service throughout the finger lakes region. SAME DAY BEE SERVICE AVAILABLE!

Exterminator Geneva NY | SAME DAY SERVICE! (315) 789-1930

click here to call us today

EnviroPest | Exterminator Geneva NY: 789 Pre Emption Road, Geneva, NY 14456

Geneva Office – *Available 24 Hours 7 Days A Week


There are many different ant species local to Geneva NY, but carpenter ants are the one species talked about the most. We have been servicing local area homes and business for carpenter ants with customized solutions. You can’t just have some spray one-time service when it comes to carpenter ants since they reproduce in the moisture diffused wood in walls, soffits etc.

Here’s how you can identify Carpenter Ants:

Carpenter Ant infesting home in Geneva NY

  1. Look for a waist with one node (petiole) and a thorax (area behind the head) that is evenly rounded when viewed from the side.
  2. Workers are black or red and black.
  3. Segmented Body
  4. Carpenter ants can come is different sizes and reproductive cycles have wings
  5. Workers usually range in size from 3/8 to 1/2-inch-long; one species is only 3/16 inch.

If you think you may have carpenter ants of concerns regarding ants contact us for an inspection or send us a picture. We can help identify where they come from outside or how we can assist in keeping them out.

COCKROACHES | Exterminator Geneva NY

The main way Geneva NY Cockroaches move from property to property is through electronics and cardboard boxes. Many of the issues we get include the colleges and the property surrounding the colleges. As college kids and staff move in and out, they can transport cockroaches and other pests. Local restaurants are also highly susceptible to Geneva NY cockroach infestation, so many of these local restaurants and facilities take advantage of our services. If you have a home or apartment with cockroaches, please give our staff a call and we can help improve your health and home.


mouse being a pest in a home

Mice will get into the walls of the homes and once they get in, they will continue to live and breed in the insulation within the walls. Because of the moisture and surroundings including the seasons we tend to see a large influx of mice and rats during the fall season. We will also see them more active in the spring as well. A lot of people will tell us that they don’t get mice or rats in the summer, but they are still living in the walls but forage outside for food and water. Our mice extermination and rat extermination program is designed to get results quickly. By targeting the source areas and eliminating their ability to absorb moisture, we get rid of the large number of rodents that have made your home theirs. Where there’s one there are usually many more.

Geneva Exterminators Near Me – Who Are We?

Our local services are provided to both Hobart and William Smith College. We take pride in our work and protecting food establishments and taking care of homes and businesses in the local area. We handle many local businesses and homes including lake properties and many of your local food establishments. Check out some of our reviews by clicking the link below to show our Geneva NY exterminators reviews. Thank you for the opportunity to handle your home or business!

Exterminator Geneva NY | Call Today! (315) 789-1930

click here to call us today

EnviroPest | Exterminator Geneva NY: 789 Pre Emption Road, Geneva, NY 14456

Geneva Office – *Available 24 Hours 7 Days A Week


If you discover bed bugs, ants, bees, mice, silverfish or other pests in your home, contact EnviroPest for immediate relief. Our Finger Lakes staff has recently completed their green pro training with our Rochester branch training specialists. You can sign up online by clicking this sign up page and following the directions. Once submitted, you will be scheduled for a service and receive contact from your technician. We are the exterminators Geneva relies on. We look forward to hearing from you!

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