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Elmira NY Bed Bug Services

bed bugs underneath bed needing removal

Bed Bug Exterminators In Elmira With 100% Guarantee

We once received a call from a national transport company. They started out asking how to determine the difference between a bed bug bite and a flea bite. They had been inspecting the trucks interior but they hadn’t found out much. We spent some time going through the situation and figured out it was indeed bed bugs. It seems that a couple of drivers who were in Elmira had a severe case of bed bug bites in their trucks. Apparently they had already started to fumigate their trucks with spray they had purchased from Walmart. Of course, the bed bugs had probably been there for some time, but it was while they were overnight at the Love’s Travel Stop before a drop off in Elmira that they realized they were infested.

Call (607) 256-0450


Getting Rid Of Bed Bugs | Tips From Elmira Exterminators

Let’s take a moment to understand that bed bugs can be a very difficult pest to get rid of. There are 8 stages in the life cycle of a bed bug, and they must feed in between each stage of development. That’s right, by the time you notice them biting you they have already been feeding off you or some other host.

No matter how many times I deal with these pests it always gets me slightly grossed out to think of them all feeding on me at night. Oddly, I have been in the worst infestations you can imagine but I have never had them myself so I can only imagine and see the horror in my customers faces when they talk about it.

Bed bugs typically feed in groups so look for that when you’re wondering whether you have been bitten. It is not always easy to identify bed bug bites, but it can be done.

Important Facts About Bed Bugs

It’s always important to know your enemy before entering battle. Take the time to evaluate your pest and be sure to start a plan on how you are going to prepare your family or other people in the home for the upcoming steps.

  1. Bed bug infestations only come out in the dark or at night.
  2. They are almost invisible to the naked eye until about the 4th stage of development
  3. Look closely as bites are almost impossible to detect or feel because they have anesthetic compounds in their saliva.
  4. Bed bugs bite in groups and the lower the stage of development the smaller the bite.

If you want to find out more about biology check out this article about how many treatments it takes to get rid of Elmira bed bugs and their eggs. Or you can get some further information from They are a resource in the industry that many exterminators use to get information updates.

A Call From On The Road

It probably comes as no surprise that bed bugs can get into these tractor trailer sleeping areas very easily. Blankets, laundry and personal items are constantly switched out and truck stops and motels are crossroads for bed bug infestations. We have seen a lot of calls like this one about bed bugs in campers, trailers and trucks. Recreational vehicles and tractor trailer trucks where people are sleeping overnight are especially susceptible.

This particular infestation was in the sleeper parts of the tractor trailers. Both trucks were infested which leads us to believe the issue was related to some truck stop. It must have been something that both the guys had encountered. They had already been driving long hours and with their patience in short supply from no sleep – we needed to get a plan in action quickly.

How Exterminators Elmira NY Treat Bed Bug Bites

For us to treat these trailers all the product needed to be dropped off and all the items removed. We visited the tractor trailers after they made their drop at a truck stop here in Elmira, NY. After they removed all their personal items, we treated and fumigated the entire trucks from top to bottom.

The company was very pleased with the coordination. These types of customer services are exactly what must happen when you’re dealing with these difficult pests. We’re available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We are here to make sure anyone who need a safe and professional service for bed bugs in Elmira is taken care of.

Call Today! (607) 256-0450

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TOLL FREE – (855) 438-3684

Ithaca / Cortland:(607) 216-0076
Binghamton / Elmira(607) 256-0450
*Available 24 Hours 7 Days A Week

If you discover bed bugs in your home, contact EnviroPest NY for immediate relief. Our certified team is educated in the most advanced bed bug protocols. We are equipped with the state-of-the-art resources necessary for complete eradication of these pests. You can also sign up online or call. We’re the bed bug exterminators Elmira trusts and we look forward to discussing your issue.

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