We Are Cluster Flies Exterminators
EnviroPest has been protecting local homes and families for over 30 years. Our pest and cluster flies exterminators provide a variety of treatments including our all-natural cluster fly control solutions that effectively deal with your issue without requiring you to leave the comforts of your home for more than a few hours.
Our Industry Leading Cluster Fly Extermination Method
We Start with a Thorough Investigation
The cluster fly is a parasite of earthworms and breeds outdoors in lawns and fields during the spring and summer. You can find cluster flies almost everywhere in the United States and Canada. When fall approaches, the cluster flies begin to enter structures in large numbers. Problems with cluster flies begin in late August as they move to winter quarters to over-winter. The cluster fly is seeking warm sites with protective cracks for shelter, crawling back as far as they can get.
Cluster flies have been known to squeeze around the edges of windows that are weather-proofed. As the number of cluster flies attracted to the building increases, large clusters of flies’ huddle inside wall voids, attics, and false ceilings. Most infestations occur in the upper regions of a buildings, such as the attics of homes. In multi-story buildings, the cluster flies can be found in the upper two or three floors, and almost always of the south and west sides of the buildings. If you have unseasonably warm weather in the late fall or winter, the cluster fly may emerge thinking it is spring, going for the warmer air outside. Cluster flies fly very slowly when they just wake up. They are strongly attracted to light, so they are usually found around windows. At night they are attracted to lamps.
Cluster flies can be an especially tricky pest. There is a good chance that your infestation is not confined to one room in your house. Our technicians have the experience and expertise to understand all the possible hiding spots for cluster flies and thoroughly inspect each possible location.
Our Treatment Tool-Chest
We offer a variety of different treatments for cluster fly extermination and will provide recommendations on which procedure is right for your pest situation.
We promise you a 100% cluster fly-free house, and we guarantee it! If you find that some of those pesky bugs managed to get past our initial assault, we will come back and make sure we treat your house again free of charge.
Call Today! (855) GET-ENVIRO

Cluster Fly - Pollenia Rudis
Cluster flies describes the habit of clustering in large numbers inside attics and around windows on the south or west side of home. The flies are often found in groups.
Cluster Fly Lifecycle
Cluster flies are usually outdoor flies, however if the weather becomes much cooler, in late autumn and winter for example, they'll often choose to transfer inside, at times in their thousands, and may be found hibernating in structures or attics. This is the reason they are generally called "attic flies". They look very similar to the regular housefly though they are somewhat more substantial in proportions and will be identified by bodily markings like the yellowy golden colored hairs around the thorax and also the different shades of grey throughout the abdomen. In addition they move more lethargically than the common housefly. They give preference to inaccessible places such as within the walls, inside cracks and cavities near to the ceiling or close to windows, or in basements, lofts or any other rooms that are not used very often. When the weather warms up a little, they may start flying around and anyone who has ever experienced an invasion will tell you this isn't an enjoyable experience. Though they are often associated with bad hygiene in a certainly place, they tend not to carry around diseases and therefore tend not to signify a danger to people. This is particularly since they will not lay their eggs within the food of human beings. Rather they much choose to turn their curiosity to earth worms and look to lay their eggs near their burrows. They will likely either do that in soil or on leaves which are decaying. When their eggs have finally hatched, their larvae will appear to locate earthworms and will look to prey on them so as to obtain their nutrients through the body of the earth worm. This leads to a lot of damage to the earthworm and will finally kill them. When their larvae have grown into a full-grown adult, they will depart the earth worm as they are now fully able to support themselves. Nonetheless while they won't cause any real inconvenience to people they can still be a great pain to us whenever they happen to be in our environment. Houses and structures that are in the country can be more vulnerable to luring them due to the fact that there are fewer places for the adult flies to find shelter. You're also going to find them in structures that are situated in close proximity to where earthworms are present, for instance areas of turf or grass, gardens. Eggs - These eggs hatch within a few days, after which larvae seek to enter the body cavities of earthworms. Cluster fly larvae feed on earthworm hosts for several days, at which time they molt and pupate in the soil. Adults - 10mm in length
Signs of Cluster Flies
- Large groups of slow-moving, seemingly clumsy flies hovering near the ceiling or in your attic. (Usually from September on-wards)
- Loud buzzing as individual flies bump into windows or fall on the floor onto their backs.
- A strong sickly smell that the flies give off to let their friends know they’ve found a warm spot for the winter.
How Did I Get Cluster Flies in My Home?
They are attracted to warm, sunny locations on the south- and west-facing sides in the upper half of buildings. Some of these flies crawl into cracks around siding, windows, vents and chimneys, and accidentally enter homes.
Health Implications
There are no known health concerns associated with cluster flies; these insects are not drawn to garbage, and they don't bite animals or people. In most cases, cluster flies are simply irritating. When moving in large groups, these flies can overrun almost any room in a home, which makes it almost impossible for someone to enjoy being in the same room as the flies. One of the best ways to remove an infestation of cluster flies is to contact an expert.
Who To Hire
What to Look for When Hiring Cluster Flies Exterminators
- The pest management company should be licensed by the state and insured.
- Technicians should be certified pest management professionals and fully licensed in the state.
- The company should be a member of a professional organization, such as the National Pest Management Association.
- The company should have a staff entomologist or access to one.
- Technicians should have experience with cluster flies.
- Choose a company based on their quality of service, not the price. Research user reviews and testimonials to solidify your choice.
- A pre-inspection should be conducted to assess the scope of the work.
- The proposed work should follow the steps of integrated pest management, not just pesticide application.
Our Guarantee
Complete Service Guarantee
If at any time between services or your guarantee period, you as a customer of EnviroPest are not satisfied for any reason. We will readdress the area in question at no additional charge. We have serviced over 300,000 homes and businesses over 30 years, and our clients rely on us to stand behind the work we perform.
Our continuous inspection and treatment mean a 100% guarantee as long as you have us on the property.
Our service personnel has been trained and certified with over six (6) years of experience in the pest control field as specialists. We do not advocate or provide seasonal labor or “college kids” to provide applications in or around your family or home. Another reason we are the natural choice in pest control.
I have screens on all of my windows; why do I have a cluster fly problem?
Window screens offer no protection from cluster flies because they crawl in the home through small voids and cracks in your dwelling’s walls and baseboards. These flies enter by crawling, not flying into your residence; therefore, a screen does not help stop their infestation.
Why do I have cluster flies during the winter season?
Cluster flies enter your dwelling in the late fall to search for places to migrate and hold over the winter. They search out dark sites such as wall voids and attics and can congregate in large masses. When a site is found for warmth, they will become active and move towards lighted areas. Once established in your dwelling, the cluster flies will continue to be a nuisance over the winter season.
How do you distinguish a housefly from a cluster fly?
The Cluster fly resembles a house fly but is more extensive, darker, and slower in movements than the house fly. Their golden hairs distinctly identify cluster flies underneath the base of their wings.
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