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Bed Bug Exterminator Binghamton NY

EnviroPest gets rid of bed bugs

As the largest bed bug exterminator Binghamton has, if you have a bed bug problem you are in the right place. This goes for folks living in downtown and for those living in the more rural areas. From hotels in Vestal to Ithaca and Elmira College Facilities and Dormitories there is no reason to think that only large urban cities deal with bed bugs. The higher education facilities and the tourism industry in this area creates a large risk for the infestation of these annoying pests. We are prepared to handle the needs for all the homes and businesses in this beautiful region.

EnviroPest is the bed bug exterminator Binghamton area residents turn to when they start to get bit. Like you, so many homeowners, landlords and business owners have come to us with questions on bed bugs, unexplained rashes and blood drops on their linens. We pride ourselves as a company that has served the local community for over 30 years. We have handled more than 300,000 pest control problems for customers over the years but remain dedicated to our local community. Our staff and personal touch have made us the largest locally owned company. We are the bed bug exterminator company in Binghamton NY that you can feel good about and trust.

Click here to call us today

(607) 256-0450

TOLL FREE – (800) 724-2102

Ithaca / Cortland:(607) 216-0076
Binghamton / Elmira(607) 256-0450
*Available 24 Hours 7 Days A Week

Some Crazy Bed Bug Exterminator Binghamton NY Stories

Being a bed bug exterminator in Binghamton NY can be a difficult job. A lot of what we do is inspecting for and treating bed bugs, but it’s also important to remember we deal with the public. Bed bugs can put anyone on edge, which leads our techs to come across some unusual situations. I set up interviews with the techs at our Binghamton branch to see what the most shareworthy stories they had were. Here’s some incredible stories of what our bed bug techs ran into.

Noah – Bed Bug Exterminator Binghamton NY

“I took over an apartment complex in downtown Binghamton NY. They had a company called Ehrlich pest control which was spraying once a month. They told the maintenance guy that they were always going to have bed bugs in the complex. Maintenance told me that the company would come once a month and the tenants would complain over and over even after the old company was inspecting. Of course I had a hard time understanding exactly what she was talking about on the phone until I got there. Apparently this supposed technician for this company was their tech for 3 years. Not sure why but I assume it was to save money. Wasn’t until Binghamton HUD got involved and recommended what needed to be done.

Quick Fact: Bed bugs only come out when it’s dark. This is learned behavior.

It wasn’t long into my inspection until I noticed this place was out of control. This low-income apartment complex was filled with bed bugs. I mean they were crawling out of the walls and it seemed like they were holding the entire building together. It was then that a woman came up to me. She stated she had three kids and every one of them had been getting bit with bed bugs every night for months. I was heartbroken. The last technician must have given up. First thing I did was find out what this guy was spraying and make sure I never used that on the property. Either he was spraying water or these bed bugs were resistant.

It took me 2 months to get them under control. My boss told me that the cost of the chemical and the labor we used cost more than we made on the jobs for the first few months. I was there after hours, weekends and even taking a few guys there with me. We spent hours taking control but they were definitively living in the walls. I never have, and I don’t think ever will, seen that big of an infestation.”

Parker – Bed Bug Exterminator Binghamton NY

Binghamton NY bed bugs“There was a woman who had figured out she had a bed bug problem in the most disgusting way imaginable. I was inspecting her home and bedrooms when she started to tell me this story. She said that she had been getting rashes and dry skin for weeks. She was getting it all over her body and she was getting it especially worse on her scalp. Her breakout was right in her hair and the skin would itch all day every day. She finally went to the doctor.

After the doctor referred her to the dermatologist they looked at everything and ended up giving her creams and pills to get rid of the issue. The doctor said she was diagnosed with Psoriasis But then there started to get sores all over her arms. She noticed they were like actual large sores and bites. That is when she noticed a bug i the bed. She started looking around. She found them under the mattress and in the seams. Then she realized.

Those rashes and sores all over her body were bed bug bites and reactions to bed bug bites. We talked about how they have a little anesthesia in their saliva so we can’t feel the bite or itch afterwards. This allows them to bite us at night without feeling it. She shuttered at the feeling of all those nights the bed bugs crawling all over her face and into her hair to bite her. Every night was like a quiet nightmare while she slept. I still get the chills thinking about the thoughts of having bugs crawling all over me while I sleep and not knowing about it. I felt sorry for her because I don’t think she was going to sleep well again for years.”

Tyler – Bed Bug Exterminator Binghamton NY

Binghamton NY bed bugs“I guess the craziest story was the time I ended having to go to court to testify for a tenant against his landlord. The tenant was the one who contacted us and they were the actual customer so I stupidity said yes when he asked me to help him out against his landlord. Here is the quick version of what happened.

When he moved into the apartment there was a bunch of stuff. He called the landlord and told him there was a bunch of stuff. The landlord said take it or leave it. He should have known then. One thing that was left in the apartment was a brand new mattress. Or at least it looked brand new. He kept it and started to use it after some febreeze and new sheets. That’s when he started to get bit. I assumed it was the mattress and the furniture left.

Quick Fact: Bed bugs typically bite in groupings of three. Researchers are still trying to find out why

The last tenant obviously left it after they were infested. He said no one had lived in the apartment for months. Apparently the landlord had tried to spray it himself (which is illegal) and thought he had gotten rid of them. I explained to him that bed bugs can live almost 6 months without a blood meal and then they begin their cycles right back up again.

So he called the landlord and he told then tenant that his dirty stuff is not his problem. The tenant paid to have all his stuff treated and cleaned and moved out of the apartment and the landlord wouldn’t even give him a break on his rent or his security deposit back. I guess that’s why he took him to small claims court after speaking with the City of Binghamton about tenant rights. It’s also the reason I guess I became the type of bed bug exterminator Binghamton NY needs. I probably won’t get involved in the future with court cases or judges but the tenant ended up winning this won. It did kinds feel like one for the good guys!”

Click here to call us today

(607) 256-0450

TOLL FREE – (800) 724-2102

Ithaca / Cortland:(607) 216-0076
Binghamton / Elmira(607) 256-0450
*Available 24 Hours 7 Days A Week

In this industry you never know what you’re going to get into with bed bugs. This is especially true in Binghamton which has a lot of traffic coming through route 17 and 81. Just look at this situation I ran into with a tractor trailer earlier this year. If you discover bed bugs or other pests in your home, contact EnviroPest Exterminator for immediate relief. Our certified team is educated in the most advanced bed bug protocols and equipped with the state-of-the-art resources necessary for complete eradication of these pests. You can also sign up online or call. We’re the exterminators NY trusts and we look forward to discussing your issue.

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